Jesse – Giving up Meat for Lent

Jesse, like all little boys loves his mummy. We are not sure if he is trying to impress mummy or questioning life and choices!

Whilst on a collecting-from-school run in February 2024, Jesse aged 5 was enjoying our full attention due to his brother Joel not being with us as he was off school with a bug. Whilst asking the normal questions of had he had a good day at school and what did he have for his lunch. He said that it was chicken roast dinner for lunch, which we know is one of both Joel and Jesse’s favourites. He went on to tell us that he couldn’t have the chicken so they had to give him something else.

When questioned he told us that he had given meat up for lent and mummy had given up Chocolate (good choice Carla, as we know you don’t eat chocolate, ha, ha) Carla has been a veggie for most of her life but has relented a little since her children have come along for ease of them all eating together and wanting the children to have a full nutritious diet. He went on to ask if he could have ” Nuggets like mummy has” for his tea, Quarn we believe.

Surprisingly for a 5-year-old, he has stuck to this throughout Lent and only had a day off from this on his brother Joels’s birthday. He loves vegetables so eating well! although we hope he doesn’t stick to it until he is older as little ones do need a full diet. In saying this we are very proud of him for not only making this choice but sticking with it over the period of Lent.

The funniest part of his questioning regarding eating meat was really funny but leaves room for thought for us all.

“Grandma, what do they call it for people”?

“Sorry, Jesse I don’t know what you mean?

“Well if we get bacon from pigs and beef from cows, what do they call it if it’s people”

Wow, try to answer that one!

Update: After reading this, Joel said “I know what it’s called grandma, It’s Flesh” Ouch!

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