Category: Grandchildren


Coben – Funny Stories

Coben is our eldest grandson, as with all children he has given us plenty to smile, laugh and generally entertain us since his arrival in 2010. Some of the humour has been priceless! We all...


Jesse – Funny Stories

Jesse is our youngest grandson, as with all children he gives us plenty to smile, chuckle and say oh that is so sweet! whilst he looks at you with a squonky look that says...

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Jesse – Giving up Meat for Lent

Jesse, like all little boys loves his mummy. We are not sure if he is trying to impress mummy or questioning life and choices! Whilst on a collecting-from-school run in February 2024, Jesse aged...

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Kiera – Funny Stories

Kiera is now a young adult, but we still remember fondly the funny times she gave us as a child. We hope she looks back and laughs as we do at some of the stories...

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Can you hear it Mikey?

Jesse – Age 4 Whilst sitting on the sofa next to Mike and his brother Joel, 4 year old Jesse looked over to me and with a puzzled look on his face says “Grandma,...

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Coben’s Day – 14/04/2022

Got up this morning at nine-ish, had brekkie of “cheese on toast” again and then started to play with my X box. I was settled for the day but oh nooo, too simple! Grandma...


Joel – Funny Stories

Joel is our middle grandson, as with all children he gives us plenty to smile, chuckle and say “oh that is so cute”! He loves to make people laugh and has a great sense...


Carla & Mike’s Engagement?

I was explaining to Coben aged 7 that I was going to have my mum’s engagement ring repaired and have 2 sapphire stones set in to replace the missing diamonds in the ring. I further explained that...

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Back from holiday

Coben came back from his holiday with daddy on Thursday, lovely to have him back home!