The Court Proceedings/Judgement
The Court Proceedings/Judgement
I sit and watch other people, as their fates will soon reveal
The silent dread etched on their faces, perhaps their lives are set to steal
The silent frowns give away concerns their case may soon go wrong
To recover from such an unfair blow test their characters, they must be strong
The judge’s view will soon be heard a judgement delivered with stoic belief
The parties on the winning side whoops of joy and sighs of relief
The parties on the losing side upset, morose and down
As they walk out from the court on their faces set a frown
What will they do, they are well down their bodies weep and wail
Themselves pick up and dust right down emoting is of no avail
Screw the court and screw the Judge who clearly did not understand
Blame that sneaky solicitor Who’s tactics were underhand