Author: Mike George

The Court Proceedings/Judgement 0

The Court Proceedings/Judgement

The Court Proceedings/Judgement I sit and watch other people, as their fates will soon reveal The silent dread etched on their faces, perhaps their lives are set to steal The silent frowns give away...

White Cloud 0

White Cloud

I meander and float upon a big white cloud I have no thoughts in my head, yet I speak aloud To all that pass by I shout out to share my views I am...

Heres the thing 0

Heres the thing

So here’s the thing, went through the final hearing on the 16th May 2014, a day that will go down in infamy with my now ex wife. I can hear her now, infamy, infamy,...

I am Back Again 0

I am Back Again

OK, I have been away from writing this for a while owing to my need to desperately try and understand just why this had developed into the nightmare that it had. A

Hearing Today 0

Hearing Today

I had an FDR (Financial Dispute Resolution) hearing today and would observe that I managed to make a complete prat of myself. On a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of the prat...

Another crap rhyme. 0

Another crap rhyme.

Another crap rhyme. When I’m wrong I’m wrong and when I’m right I’m wrong It makes it very hard to live, to love and to belong This jolly jape called life can be crap...

Thank You 0

Thank You

Sometimes we can get very angry about things, the injustice of the situation and at that time we can often create a compartment in our heads and label it. This allows us to abuse...

Unbeleivable 0


I have kept myself very busy with work and other projects and have been awaiting replies from the court to my objections and concerns regarding the late filing and serving of documents from the...

The Cow of So Called Justice 0

The Cow of So Called Justice

I was talking my many legal frustrations over with a friend, a retired judge of sorts and he gave me an analogy of the law as follows at the end of this post. He...

The Cow of Justice Ditty 0

The Cow of Justice Ditty

The Cow of Justice – An analogy of how the law arrives at justice I was talking my legal frustrations over with a friend, a retired judge of sorts and he gave me an...