Doing the right thing

It is now 4 days from my last visit to this sad and lonely account of my thoughts on the divorce issues that I face.

I started to meander down the path of having standards in life and the stupidity of doing the right thing by others and I now realise what a great notion that “doing the right thing” is. Its kind of like communism, an ideal approach to life, but it does not work and is becoming more and more unlikely that it will ever work.

Unfortunately in our society today, the minute that you do what is right or the moment that you stop and help someone, you become a target, A target of the needs of a society that appears to be built increasingly on false standards. Life has in reality become about being selfish, greedy, dishonest and looking out for your own needs at the cost of others. Irrespective of the extent of those costs or the damage to others.

The parallel here is that I did the right thing by my Ex Wife and many years on, people and society appear more interested in not looking at what was actually done, It would appear that it is more profitable to certain people to create and weave a complex argument irrespective of the facts. Others are just basically dishonest.

Having stepped in on many occasions to assist others, on a couple of the occasions, very serious situations. I always thought that I had done something good and considered myself to be a decent guy that would stand up for others who needed help. I now believe that in stepping in to assist was a form of cowardice on my part. I saw my father assist others on a couple of occasions and thought that this was the correct way to behave.

In terms of today’s society, as it actually is and the rules of nature being “survival of the fittest” I and I suspect many others like me, are ill equipped to survive in today’s world. It would appear that the best approach to life in our society today is to ignore others and walk by. Lie, steal and cheat and treat women absolutely ruthlessly. If you get it wrong you can always find a solicitor who will put a case forward, for a fee of course!

I was travelling in Belgium with an American colleague and had to catch a train from Brussels to Breda, in Holland to give a presentation. The train station was heaving and when our train pulled in, the train was fairly full, however we both managed to get a seat.

As the train pulled out of the station, it was jam packed with people standing. I noticed a couple of elderly women stood without seats. Craig and I got up and offered our seats to them, which they took gratefully. Many other younger people than the women did not offer their seats.

To Craig and I that was the correct thing to do according to our values and standards. The reaction on the train was incredible, people applauding and back clapping at great English and American manners!

Throughout the journey to Breda, Craig and I made many friends and we were offered lots of sweets. It felt good and rather stupidly, I felt quite proud of myself in some small way.

Of course I now realise that I got that wrong and I should have asked for a fee before giving up my seat!

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