That Is Life Blog

Payback is a Bitch! 0

Payback is a Bitch!

Just to set the scene, had an upsetting couple of weeks, couple of funerals, one of those Sandra’s mum and had been struggling to sleep some evenings/mornings, as can happen at difficult times. So...

valentine image 0

Valentine 2018

I woke up this morning feeling happy and fine Was it the thought of you being my valentine? No, its an infrequent feeling, a stirring, a hope! That tonight is the night, please do...

It’s been a while 0

It’s been a while

It has been a fair while since I last sat and put thoughts to paper regarding this calamitous event in my life, not the divorcing from my ex, that has been a breathe of...

Its Winter Again 0

Its Winter Again

It’s Winter again and the snowflakes are fallingWe can’t go outside cos the weather’s appallingSo we’ll wrap up warm in a hat and a scarfOr we’ll stay indoors and we’ll sing and we’ll laughSing...

The Costs of this Fiasco 0

The Costs of this Fiasco

As I alluded to in my last post, the costs to me of this fiasco are extremely high. I am not talking about court costs as no costs were awarded either way, meaning that...

Values 0


I think I prefer this version! A family is a haven that protects us as we grow A principle is a value we have been taught, therefore know A country is a mass of...

The Court Proceedings/Judgement 0

The Court Proceedings/Judgement

The Court Proceedings/Judgement I sit and watch other people, as their fates will soon reveal The silent dread etched on their faces, perhaps their lives are set to steal The silent frowns give away...

White Cloud 0

White Cloud

I meander and float upon a big white cloud I have no thoughts in my head, yet I speak aloud To all that pass by I shout out to share my views I am...

Heres the thing 0

Heres the thing

So here’s the thing, went through the final hearing on the 16th May 2014, a day that will go down in infamy with my now ex wife. I can hear her now, infamy, infamy,...

coben france 0

Coben – Funny Stories

Coben is our eldest grandchild, as with all children he has given us plenty to smile, laugh and generally entertain us since his arrival in 2010. Some of the humour has been priceless! We...